Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Open Hoooooouse 2015 #6

After Merton Abbey I headed back into town, going to Guildhall. I have been to Guildhall Art Gallery numerous times (and it is great, you should go) and I love the Guildhall complex, but I’d never been in there. I’m not 100% sure if it is open to the public at any point other than Open House as the website doesn’t make it clear (though I did find out that on their location page they include directions for if you’re coming in by air, which is a new one), but if they do have an Open Day of any sort, it really is worth going. 

The current Guildhall complex was built in the 1440s, though the site has been a monument to city wealth and privilege since the 12th century. 

Turns out Guildhall is huge. A lot of it is underground, but the whole building is so impressive and spacious – it’s very odd, considering how well I know the area, I would never have guessed it looked like this.

NB my camera batteries died halfway through this so I had to switch to my phone so apologies for the drop in quality. 

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