Friday, 6 September 2013

Dulwich Photography Walk

Last weekend Crishna and I went on a photography walk in Dulwich organised by Dulwich OnView, an online magazine that celebrates people and culture in South East London.

Luckily, it was a lovely day. A small group of us started off at Dulwich Picture Gallery, and Crishna and I went off through Dulwich Park in the direction of some street art we were interested in (pictures below).

The first bit of art we found was near Dulwich Library by Nunca, and it's a giant bee holding a load of mugs of tea. And she's on a throne, but I only just realised that when I read the description. 

We then went to Goodrich Road to see a piece by someone calling themselves Phlegm. Lovely. 

There's an online map here showing where the rest of the artworks are - I will be doing this as soon as I have a chance. 

We also took some general photos around Dulwich, although we only had an hour for the first walk so it was quite quick. We got back to the photo gallery in time, though, and had some lunch (yay) and photo discussion, followed by a wander around the gallery.

(Picture gallery photos in the next post)

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