Sunday, 25 March 2012

Not London! German Graffiti (and other things on walls)

Not so much with the architectural merit, this post. But spending as much time as I do commuting into central London on the same damn routes, I've got rather over familiar with the graffiti I see on the way into town. And then we went to Germany and lo, there was loads of new graffiti :). These were taken at various places along the way to Cologne, including Aachen, and some in/on the way to Brühl and Düsseldorf. 

This one was on the ground and seemed more like spilt paint that had been quickly messed about with rather than anything intentional...

On the way into Cologne there were these paintings on buildings: 

And this one in Düsseldorf:

And finally, a little Pac-Man-style mosaic from near the station (not the best pic):

Annoyingly have just googled this and it looks like there were quite a few mosaics like this in Cologne but I missed them all. Bah.

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